Tuesday 1 May 2012

Why Some Pregnancy Books Cause More Harm Than Good

With the rise in holistic medicine and alternative healing, it’s surprising Dr. Jennifer Barham-Floreani’s Well Adjusted Babies is one of the few pregnancy books available on the subject for mothers and babies. “Dr. Jen” as she is known, must be an overachiever type, because the book is over 700 pages!

The length also tells us that there was a huge untapped need for pregnancy books about holistic healing for babies and kids.

Well Adjusted Babies has been out a few years now. And yet nothing seems to have changed in the world of traditional pregnancy books. There is barely a whisper in most of them about anything holistic.

That’s like a 90-story skyscraper being built next to your house and you pretend you don’t see or hear anything!

A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control and Prevention study said the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine has grown by leap and bounds from 2002 to 2009.

In Australia, the Alternative and Complementary Medicine industry is estimated to be worth over $1 billion and growing at over 30% per year.

And yet, traditional pregnancy books reflect the values of the larger world of mainstream medicine in general: treat the symptoms while avoiding or ignoring the root cause.

The only thing involving preventive care for most traditional medical practitioners is changing the oil every month in their luxury cars.

It’s funny they call it “traditional medicine” when over reliance on drugs and symptomology is fairly recent in history. Some so called “alternative” medical practices have been effective for 5,000 years!

So has Dr. Jen mellowed her message?

Let’s see…in recent years she’s published the 2nd edition of Well Adjusted Babies with new chapters, case studies, and the latest research; expanded her website and blog WellAdjustedBabies.com; and recently she completed a series of TV and radio appearances around Australia.

Looks like she’s in to win it.

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