Wednesday 2 April 2014

Expert advice can explain, address child's hair loss

When we think of a person who suffers from hair loss, the first image that comes to mind is probably an older male. But children are often plagued by hair loss as well despite their young age.
Children with hair loss may gradually develop bald spots or lose their hair entirely. Understandably, parents may panic the second they realize their child is losing his or her hair, but it’s important to stay calm and avoid scaring your child and yourself.
“It may be difficult for them, but I ask parents not to consult ‘Dr. Google’ on this one,” advises Elk Grove-based dermatologist Dr. Robert Polisky. “They will be very alarmed looking at some of the more extreme cases they see.”
Before parents assume the worst, consult with a dermatologist to determine the cause of the hair loss. Hair loss occurs for many reasons – genetics, vitamin deficiency and stress are just a few contributing factors.
Causes of hair loss in children
Alopecia: Alopecia areata is the most common form of alopecia in which round patches of hair completely fall out. It is technically an autoimmune disorder, meaning the body's own immune system attacks the hair follicles, but it’s not a serious one, according to Polisky. Additionally, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases estimates that the hair grows back completely in 95 out of 100 cases. Traumatic alopecia may be causes by constant pulling of the hair from tight braids, barrettes or ponytails.
Anagen effluvium: Hair loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Typically, the hair grows back within a few weeks or months of stopping treatment.
Folliculitis: This is inflamed hair follicles, sometimes with a deep bacterial infection, and can be treated with antibiotics or medicated shampoo.
Hair anomaly: Disorders of this type are not common, says Polisky. They present as very breakable and twisted hairs, some are called pili torti.
Hormones: Thyroid disease, both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, can cause hair loss.
Infancy: Some infants manifest triangular hair loss patches. Others may initially have a full head of hair, but will lose it. These issues can be congenital.
Telogen effluvium: This is the shedding of hair some months after a traumatic health event, such as a very high fever, hospitalization, or shock. Telogen effluvium causes the hair to go into one phase as it is not essential to survival and is shed later in a wave. Luckily, it grows back in a few months.
Tinea capitis: Also called “ringworm of the scalp,” tinea capitis is a fungal infection of the hair that can take many forms leading to hair loss. It can look like a large infected oozy area, called a kerion, or it can be very flaky and irregular, says Polisky.
Trichotillomania: Often shortened simply to “tric,” this disorder is hair loss from repeated urges to pull or twist the hair until it breaks off. Symptoms usually begin before age 17, and is often a result of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It can also be triggered or made worse by anxiety, depression or a stressful event. Polisky warns that parents are often completely unaware that their child is pulling his or her hair out.
Effect on children
“The emotional impact of hair loss on children varies greatly,” explains Dr. Lily Uihlein, pediatric dermatologist at Loyola Center for Health in LaGrange Park and Burr Ridge. “For some children, hair loss can lead to fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression; other children may not bothered by their hair loss.”
Though some kids may not be troubled by the hair loss itself, the way a child’s peers treat them can be much different. Your child’s doctor may recommend seeing a counselor to deal with his or her feelings. But, most importantly, stay positive.
Minimizing the visibility of the hair loss may help some kids who are self-conscious. Hats, changes in hair style, headbands or wigs may be helpful.
“Some children, particularly younger ones, may not be aware of the hair loss or its cosmetic implications,” Uihlein adds. “However, children are usually able to sense when their parents are concerned and may become more self-conscious and anxious about their hair loss.”
—Lisa Schryver, Brand Publishing Writer

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