Tuesday 23 August 2011

10 Ways to Connect to Your Higher Self

Many people have an imagined perception of spirituality rather than a real awareness of it. Sometimes this happens because a person wants to escape from the demands of everyday life, or they may be completely unsatisfied with the life that they have.
There are many reasons for our misunderstanding of spirituality. However the search for true spirituality is concealed within everyone.
When you are conceived in the womb you are separated from your origin the divine, and when you try to ‘find yourself’ what you are really seeking is that initial relationship with the divine.
The child’s connection to the mother is part of the quest and comes from the yearning for the existence and attachment that we had before birth.
Self Discovery
Self- awareness and self-discovery cannot be handed to you; you have to work for it because that is your own personal experience with the divine.
Lots of spiritual misunderstandings stem from learning from, and about, lots of religions and preaching to others about how they should live their lives, how they should love, how they should practice their spirituality. This method is dominating and suppressive and this can be witnessed in many religions.
People who experience religion are either born into it or they connect with a religion later because they feel their heart needs that association, but then they find they are limited rather than liberated. With this approach, religion becomes institutionalised.
In relation to the universe we are nothing, yet at the same time we are everything. Some of us are unaware of the significance of our own existence.
We are so preoccupied with worrying about other people, believing that we are being very spiritual if we attend to others, yet the crucial point is that you first have to attend to yourself.
Once you have done that and tried to be a better person, you have helped humanity as a whole.
Your Perfect Day
Visualize for a moment your perfect day. You awake feeling peace and joy in eager expectation of all the wonders you know you are going to encounter. Every situation you come across is amazingly synchronistic, perfectly aligning you with your desires. Everyone in your life supports you with unconditional love and acceptance.
Problems are just inconsequential speed bumps that you easily traverse while you smile and look ahead at all the wonders that life will offer you. You hit the hay knowing that you have served the bigger picture and the universe is elevated because of you.
This may sound a bit like a fantasy world but it is entirely possible when you live your life from the viewpoint of your higher self. Your higher self is that part of you that is gracefully linked with everyone and everything in the Universe.
When you are fully connected with your higher self, all aspects of your essence, emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental are in perfect alignment and resonating with peace, love, joy and bliss.
Your higher self is always accessible, quietly waiting for you to come to the hub of your being and declare your power.
Here are ten very simple ways to connect with your higher self right now:
• Breath
• Connect to Sounds of Nature
• Listen to Your Favourite Music
• Laugh
• Watch the Clouds
• Move Your Body with Childlike Abandonment
• Ask Your Higher Self an Empowering Question
• Make Time for Silence
• Say Yes and I Love You
• Daydream for Pleasure
1. Breathe
Take a moment to think about this – breathing is both a sub-conscious and conscious process. Your body breathes automatically whether you think about breathing or not, you can take it out of sub-conscious mode, and consciously control it by breathing deeply, fast, slow, shallow or holding your breath.
Consequently, breathing is a bridge between the sub-conscious and conscious minds, and that cannot be said about most other of your bodily functions or activities.
A clean easy breath is usually all that it takes to fully connect with your higher self. Whatever you are doing right now or wherever you are, take a gentle deep breath right now. Feel how your body moves in perfect rhythm as you breathe. Feel the ebb and flow of your breath and sigh with pleasure. Connect to your higher self.
2. Connect to sounds of nature
Go outside, right now if you are able, close your eyes, feel the grass or paving under your feet. Notice the sounds of nature all around you. Hear the enchanting sound of the wind rustling the leaves, the birds singing their songs, insects decisively moving around. Become conscious that you too are a part of nature, and therefore connected to all that is.
3. Listen to your favourite music
Music effortlessly and instinctively connects you to your higher self. Go and find your favourite CD and put it on right now if you are able.
While you are listening use the breathing technique you tried earlier to enhance the experience and notice the pleasurable vibration you automatically sense from within. Music is food for the soul and time should be taken out of each day to listen, if possible.
4. Laugh
The benefits of laughter are to numerous to ignore. Laughter dissolves tension, stress, anxiety, irritation, anger, grief, and depression. Like crying, laughter lowers inhibitions, allowing the release of pent-up emotions.
After a hearty bout of laughter, you will experience a sense of well-being. Laughing automatically raises your vibration and connection to the higher self; it increases your joy and empowers you to live your life fully and completely.
5. Watch the clouds
Go outside now if you are able and gaze at the sky. Watch the clouds drift and make shapes of all kinds, some you may recognise some you may not. Watch them expand and change colour and shape. In this moment connect with your higher self and know that you are as expansive and unique as the clouds.
6. Move your body with childlike abandonment
Remember skipping or running across the playground, without a care in the world? Or skimming rocks across a lake or pond just because it was fun? Did you ever spin in circles with your arms outstretched until you fell to the ground dizzy with pleasure?
You can still do all of those things! Play, laugh, delight in the pleasure of reconnecting with your inner child and being your higher self.
7. Ask your higher self an empowering question
Open ended questions inevitably engage our higher self and stimulate creative thoughts. What is the best solution for me right now? Who do I know that, or what course of action, can support me in this situation?
How can I enjoy my life with more abundance? And most importantly listen for the answers; they do come to you in the form of inspiration, when the answers come, act upon them! Enjoy your new found freedom as you enthusiastically engage your higher self with empowering questions.
8. Make time for silence
Silence is the realm of the higher self. Silence is creative – silence builds trust – silence gives rest – silence brings balance – silence allows listening – silence promotes the inner you.
Find time to quieten the inner you and connect with your higher self. Feel your heartbeat pumping your blood and wonder at the miracle of your existence. Watch as the dreams of your ever brighter future pass in your mind.
Hear the divine whispering to you in its clear and distinctive voice. Dive into the silence and allow your worries to dissolve away. Don’t be afraid of silence, it is your friend.
9. Say Yes and I Love You
Say Yes out loud, say it now if you are able. Feel the extension in your body. Feel your vibration rise instantly. What can you say Yes to today?
Sending out the vibration of I Love You has numerous benefits to you and the universe. Saying I Love You in your mind when you come up against obstacles in your life is freeing.
Saying it out loud may result in some strange looks from people, but it can be said to yourself and the divine. Say it when you notice things that come into your existence that you don’t like, it is cleansing and the results are profound. Say it often.
10. Daydream for pleasure
Allow your imagination to soar as you daydream for pleasure. Are you riding a beautiful horse across a sandy beach? Maybe you are strolling among the beautiful flowers of a wonderful garden.
Perhaps you are winning a sporting event in the pleasure of thunderous applause. Allow your higher self to guide you among the wonder and excitement of your daydreams because you deserve it.
These are just a few examples of the many ways you can connect to the loving, divine existence of your higher self. Find your own exciting new ways as you live your life more fully, joyfully, and easily as you connect to your higher self.

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