Tuesday 9 August 2011

How to Read Palm

In inexact "science", palm reading has been around for centuries and has many ardent followers.

  The art of palm reading dates all the way back to 2,000 BC and has firm roots in new age and astrological lore. Previously associated with Gypsies and evil magicians, art of palm reading was once shrouded in mystery and fear. In modern times, however, palm reading and tarot card reading is associated with pure fun. Whether you believe that your hand is an accurate indicator of personality traits or are a skeptic, you'll have a fun time reading your own palm. Contrary to what most people believe, the lines on your palm are not fixed from birth. As you progress through your life, your palm lines will form and change according to your personality and experiences. (Although, if you're an avid follower of CSI type shows, palm prints are used for identification—so go figure!) Therefore, according to recent articles, palm reading is not a form of fortune telling. It won't tell you what will happen in your life; rather, it will tell you what has already happened. You have three main lines on your palm, each which indicates a separate area of your life. Your love line is the line on the top, your head line is in the middle, and your life line is on the bottom.

Your love line, also known as your heart line, relates to all the emotions and situations that are associated with love. This line is above your head and life line. It begins under your index or middle finger and extends toward your pinky. How to read your love line: If the line starts directly underneath the index finger, then you are content with your love life. If your line begins right below the middle finger, this indicates a selfish and materialistic outlook when it comes to love. A line that begins between the middle and index finger signifies that you give your heart away too easily. If the line is straight and short, you have a high sex drive and aren't particularly concerned with romance. If the line points downward and touches your life line (which is on the bottom), then it's easy for you to have your heart broken. A line that is long and curvy indicates that you freely express your emotions and feelings. A love line that is straight and parallel to the head line indicates that you have a good handle on your emotions.

Variations on the love line If your love line is wavy, you may have a slew of relationships and lovers, but a lack of serious relationships. A circle on the line refers to a time of depression in your life. Likewise, a broken heart line indicates emotional trauma, as does a heart line with smaller lines crossing through it. Smaller lines that stretch above the heart line are reflective of happiness in love, but lines that stretch down from the heart line indicate disappointment.

Your Head Line doesn't deal with how smart you are, but rather how you think. It can indicate your beliefs, morals and general attitude toward life. This line begins right above the life line and travels across the palm. How to read your head line: A short line shows that you prefer working toward physical achievements rather than mental ones, a curved, sloping line indicates creativity. If your head line and life line are separated, you enjoy the taste of adventure and have great enthusiasm for life. A wavy line shows that you have a short attention span and don't enjoy deep thinking. If you have a deep, long line that stretches horizontally across the palm, then your thinking is clear and focused. The straighter the line, the more realistic your thinking is.

Variations on the head line: If you have a donut or cross in your head line, this indicates that you've been through an emotional crisis. A broken head line indicates that you are inconsistent in the way you think and may have even suffered a nervous breakdown. Multiple crosses through your head line represent momentous decisions in your life.

Your Life Line starts on the edge of your palm, in between your index finger and thumb. It extends down your palm. Situated below your heart and head lines, this line will tell you about the quality of your life. How to read your life line: A life line that runs close to your thumb indicates that you are often tired. If your line is curvy, you have a lot of energy. A long, deep lifeline indicates that you'll have a long, healthy life filled with vitality. If the line is short and shallow, then it may indicate that you let others control your life for you. If the line swoops around in a semicircle, you have tremendous strength and enthusiasm. If the line is straight and stays close to the edge of your palm, you are cautious when it comes to relationships and often hold back from love. If you have two or even three life lines, then this means you have extra vitality and positivism around you.

Variations on the life line: A circle in your life line indicates that you were hospitalized or injured. A break indicates a sudden change in lifestyle, such as an accident, illness or heartbreak. If you have lines that extend up and beyond your life line, then you are good at recovering from bad situations, but if you have lines that extend below your life line, you tend to waste energy.

Now that you know how to read palms, interpreting your love, head and life lines in palm reading can be a fun game to play with your friends, not to mention a great conversation starter at a party.

Have fun, but please note that none of the above interpretations of how to read palms is guaranteed to be factual!

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